What is Eid Orlando?
Eid Orlando is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to uniting the Central Florida Muslim community for a festive, family-friendly Eid prayer and celebration. Eid Orlando is organized by a partnership of local Muslim institutions and organizations, through the generosity of business and individual sponsors. The event includes Eid prayer, activities for the kids, a bazaar, and food vendors all at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Eid Orlando envisions a community where every Muslim is welcome and able to participate in an exemplary celebration of Eid. Eid Orlando’s mission is to provide Muslims inclusive and exceptional Eid programs that promote diversity and a sense of community.
For Eid-ul-Adha in 2016, a group of community members in Central Florida decided to unite with like-minded individuals and local organizations for an Eid celebration that was family-friendly and brought people from all walks of life together at the Orange County Convention Center.
The small group of dedicated volunteers mobilized to raise over $25,000 and coordinate a memorable event for more than 2000 people in a few short weeks. Not only was it in a large indoor venue, there were games and activities for the kids that made it extra special. The group has continued to host many Eid's since then, with support from the community, growing a warm following of families from all over the Central Florida area. |
Eid Orlando is committed to reaching out to all segments of the Central Florida Muslim community to hold united, inclusive, and festive Eid prayer events that meet the needs of the growing population.
The date of the Eid celebrations is based upon the criteria/calendar of the Fiqh Council of North America.
The date of the Eid celebrations is based upon the criteria/calendar of the Fiqh Council of North America.
The Eid Orlando Team
Eid Orlando Team members with
Imam Abdurrahman Sykes, who led the Eid prayer at our inaugural Eid celebration for Eid al Adha in 2016. |
Eid Orlando is a volunteer run initiative with a core group of Board members as well as team members from local non-profit partner organizations and institutions.
Board Members PRESIDENT - Faraz Asrar SECRETARY - Fatima Sadaf Saied TREASURER - Nabil Rehman BOARD MEMBER - Hiba Sheik BOARD MEMBER - Hina Shaikh BOARD MEMBER - Jerry Muscadin BOARD MEMBER - Rasha Mubarak |