Muslim students have options when it comes to missing school for Eid.
This year, Eid is in the middle of week and falling close to, if not during, exam season. Fortunately, religious holidays are considered an excused absence and in local public schools, Eid ul-Fitr is a recognized religious holiday. That means, Muslim students and employees are excused from attendance. There are make-up days for regular, AP, and FSA exams but it is important for you to request those dates so that your children will be able to celebrate Eid ul-Fitr with their family and community as they deserve to do.
Taking advantage of these accommodations should not reflect poorly upon their grades or records. If it does, please reach out to us for resources by seeing below or emailing [email protected]. Below you will find an Excused Absence Note on behalf of the Eid Orlando Board of Directors that you can download, sign, and turn-in to your child's teacher or school.
Taking advantage of these accommodations should not reflect poorly upon their grades or records. If it does, please reach out to us for resources by seeing below or emailing [email protected]. Below you will find an Excused Absence Note on behalf of the Eid Orlando Board of Directors that you can download, sign, and turn-in to your child's teacher or school.
Other Resources
Learn how to conduct Eid Prayer and what you can and cannot do.